Meet Our Team
Get to Know the Flooring Experts at Yates Flooring
Lubbock Team

Bobby Yates

Joel Jaime

Ryan Rogers

Jana Stout

Will Truby

Jay Garry

Lee Humphreys

Charity Rogers

Cory Eoff

JD Walls

Rene Vargas

Jason Byrd

Patsy Cantu

Jesse Daniels

Travis Day

Johnnathan Garry

Tawna Hayward

Ty Houtchens

Alyssa Roberson

Dane Nielsen

Kevin Paul

Kimberly Pharr

Monte Pierce

Kaleb Reese

Lauren Wiebe

Scarlett Seitz

Greg Sherrill

Suzanne Veretto

Maddie Hayward

Daila Hill

Nathan Allen
Amarillo Team

Tom Webb

Bob Jellison

Danny Edgett

CS Inabnet

Brian Carlton

Jacob Daniels
Midland/Odessa Team

Neil Payne

David Hawkins

Mitch Wood

Allison Atwood

Landon Payne

Destini King

Roger Copeland

Lori Rosas
Commercial Team

Trent Day

Allyson Simon

Jasmine Smith